Friday, May 14, 2010

Final Artist Statement

Throughout the semester my experiences at Escuela Vieau have been beneficial to my young career. I found the Service Learning site to be an environment that taught me about culture and how children are growing up in their community, which was far different from my hometown. In sociology and other multi-cultural courses, I have read about different races and ethnicities, but reading can only describe it to an extent. However, physically entering the community and understanding the lifestyle through direct experiences has had a great impact on my perception of the Hispanic culture.

During orientation, I immediately understood that the parents of the students were enthusiastic that we would be volunteering our time to better the lives of children at Vieau School. Because the adults were in a class to learn how to speak English, I could not always understand what they were saying, however their faces were covered with smiles and this made me realize how appreciative the ethnicity. The students reacted the exact same way and most of the children were talkative and excited to see me when I arrived on Thursday afternoons.

All of the encounters I had with the students were positive because they let me connect with them and their culture. A few of the students shared with me their favorite foods, sports and activities they participate in, and the music they listen to. I found that soccer is a sport that many of the children play and that they listen to a Hispanic rap group from South Milwaukee.

After taking pictures of the school and students for my first Multimedia Project I decided to walk through the neighborhood located near Vieau School and the surrounding area. I took what I had learned from the staff and students to find it in the community myself. Staff at the school advised me that La Perla, La Fuente, and Botana’s are local restaurants that feature great Mexican cuisine. Also, other businesses hold important values to the community because they have bilingual professionals and offer help to the neighborhood.

Therefore, I went to the community two days in a row to capture these restaurants and businesses. Emperexel: Multicultural Business Solutions is the business that offers business administration advice to English and Spanish speakers. As far as the restaurants, some of the pictures I took made me feel like I was in another country because of the vibrant colors and architecture. Later on I uploaded my photos to and manipulated the saturation, exposure, and contrast qualities to reinforce the international experience I was trying to achieve. The iMovie I created made the vibrant pictures flow smoothly, and feel I accomplished the international experience through my selection international and cultural photos.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Journal Entry Three

Over the last few weeks at Vieau I talked with Ms. Montenegro and told her about my internship. I mentioned I work for Westside Healthcare Association which is located a few miles away from Vieau. As part of my internship, a pediatrician and I have created immunization clinics with Milwaukee Public Schools to improve vaccination rates within the community. Because Vieau was so close to Westside I asked Ms. Montenegro if Vieau would be willing to work with Westside and set up a clinic.

Ms. Montenegro responded favorably to this and we met with the pediatrician and discussed the possibility of the clinic. We found out that there was a high percentage of students that were not up-to-date on their immunizations or no records could be found. An immunization clinic was needed to help these children get vaccinated. As of right now, the immunization clinic has not been completed but is planned to be accomplished by the end of May. It is extremely important that parents recognize the importance of immunizations and how they can greatly impact their children's lives. After we immunize the children I will feel that I really helped out the Vieau community.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Multimedia Assignment

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Journal Entry Two

While attending the Service Learning site, Escuela Vieau, I met some really neat children. I volunteer in the sports and fitness area and I try to help the students learn new skills and talents. For example, many other students were lined up to play air hockey and foosball when I came across this student not involved with the others. After noticing this, I found six bean bags and asked the child if he would like to learn how to juggle. He was real interested and for the remaining half an hour I taught him the basics of juggling.

The following week I found the same student and he was real eager to show me how much he improved his juggling skills. I could tell that I made an impact on his life because his other friends were now interested in juggling and wanted him and I to teach them. Personally, I really enjoy working with the children at Escuela Vieau because I feel that I am making an impact on the student's lives. Returning to Vieau each week brings excitement into my daily life. The students and faculty are great and everyday there is a challenge that makes me feel optimistic about myself.

Artist's Statement Multimedia Essay

Throughout the semester I have been going to Escuela Vieau, a Hispanic elementary school in the Milwaukee area. During my service learning sessions I have come across some great students and staff. Initially, I thought that the Service Learning would be a burden on my schedule but soon after my first visit realized it was enjoyable. My time schedule was on Thursdays from 4:30-6:00 p.m., the time just flew by. After my third visit I told Ms. Montenegro how much I appreciated my time at the school. My photographs from the visits are arranged to visually describe my experiences at Escuela Vieau as I walked through the school my first couple of weeks.

First, I wanted to include the front of the building to give the feeling that those viewing my photographs are walking up to the school and walking into it, just as I had done. The second image that I included was a mural of two students holding a sheet that says “welcome and bienvenidos”. Bienvenidos means welcome in Spanish and I felt that this was my first experience of the Hispanic culture when I walked through the door.

While at Vieau, all of the staff and students are really appreciative of the Service Learning students giving their time to the school. As my third photo I included one of the staff members that I worked with. Jeanette, who is in the picture, and other staff that work through the Boys & Girls Club were extremely open to me being there. Sports and fitness was the title that I received for my contribution through Service Learning and understood that it would be coupled with crafts and game time. At Vieau, most of my time is spent in the cafeteria area learning from the kids and playing games. On separate occasions students have taught me how to speak some Spanish; it is nice learning from the students. Also, one of the games that the students taught me was Mancala. I quickly noticed that when stuck in the cafeteria; Mancala is the game to play.

I have an outside photo included as well because when the weather first started to get nice, every student wanted to get outside. This is when the sports and fitness came into play. Sports and fitness seem to play a large role in the student’s lives in and out of school. Many of the students mentioned that soccer was their favorite sport and that they participate in numerous leagues year round. I have analyzed that students socialize and meet friends through sports and games at Vieau.

This past week, the school held an Easter Bunny Night and I found great opportunities to connect not only with the students but their parents as well. The last few photographs of my slide show are the Easter Bunny Night with the students, parents and I. It was a great way to get a little better understanding about the community talking with adults. The impression that I got from talking with parents was that they are extremely grateful for the Service Learning students to spend time with their children after school. Overall, staff, students, and family members were appreciative and thankful for the efforts I put forth. My last photo of the slide show was a photo that I took at the end of the day while I was leaving Vieau; I felt the picture was an interesting ending.

After using the camera to capture my time at Vieau I became aware of cinematography, mise-en-scene and their elements. Getting a first-hand experience increased my understanding of the elements. Before taking the class I used my camera to take pictures and didn’t really think about how I could manipulate the photos via framing, focus, and the other elements. With the camera I felt that I could create certain images. Use of the camera was the hardest part of the assignment and I cannot wait to see how other students have used the camera to capture their encounters with staff, students, and families at Vieau. Personally, I feel it strange to think that I can create emotions through my subjective view of the lens.

Over the first half of the spring semester I have positive feelings towards the Service Learning portion of the class. It is satisfying to see the excitement the kids have when I show up. Also, the staff and students are always very appreciative of my time. I believe my slide show represents the school and community through interaction with the students and parents. My last thought on the community is that it has been very open to me and words cannot describe how appreciative they are.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Journal Entry One

On February 17, 2010, I had my first visit at Escuela Vieau, an elementary school on the south side of Milwaukee. Right from the start, both of the advisors were extremely appreciative of the students from Film 150 to come to Escuela Vieau. Maria Espinosa and Yesenia Montenegro, club managers, gave us a brief introduction to the culture and background of the school. Both emphasized that the Hispanic culture is very open to meeting and working with other cultures. The service learning opportunity reminded me of my experience of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Milwaukee. Personally, I know how excited and enthusiastic children are when they have older mentors come and spend time with them; I feel like this will be rewarding.

Also, both of the club managers explained that it doesn't matter if we cannot speak Spanish, even though all of the students can speak it fluently. Ms. Espinosa mentioned that many of the students will try to teach us how to speak Spanish. I am looking forward to the opportunity to have the children teach me some basic Spanish phrases.

Overall, I look forward to the service learning opportunity at Escuela Vieau. During the service learning I hope to learn more about the Hispanic culture, learn some Spanish, and make a positive impact on the children I am associated with. Ms. Montenegro told me that it would be best to stay home tonight instead of come and participate at the school tonight due to an illness. However, I am looking forward to my first opportunity next week.